Website (570) 963-6726. m. Washington Ave Scranton, PA 18503 Number: 570-963-6775 Homepage. The Office is located at: Register of Wills / Clerk of Orphans Court. 1p 18th Annual Scranton Jazz Festival. 3. The Archives is accessible by public transportation. The county was created on August 13, 1878, following decades of trying to gain its. Each member of lackawanna of deeds general information by party to the full market value form formatted to be transferred from one party to recording. com. Free Lackawanna County Property Records Search by Address. Hamilton Street, Room 122 Allentown PA 18101-1614 Chief Deputy, Karen S. 1101 4th Street, SW, 5th Floor. They will not be able to assist you. Recorder of Deeds. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Lackawanna County Recorder Of Deeds locations in Prompton, PA. m. – 4:00 p. Lackawanna County. org Lackawanna County Website County Comm Office has marriage, divorce, probate and court records from 1878. Phone Number (570) 963-6775 Call Now! Company Website. m. Day 2022. If a notary public subsequently moves their business/office address. 2- Start new package for state and recording area where property is located. the Recorder of Deeds, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania (County Officer), for the period January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007, pursuant to the requirements of Sections 401(b) and 401(d) of The Fiscal Code, 72 P. Asst. Public Records. Birth and Death Records: Greene County kept birth and death records between 1893 and 1915. 2. com with any problems that you experience while using this website. Fax: (570) 963-6390. Do not call the county offices. com Website: erecording. There is 1 Recorder Of Deeds per 193,795 people, and 1 Recorder Of Deeds per 677 square miles. Categories. The Centre County Recorder of Deeds Office’s primary mission is to record, protect, preserve, and reproduce legal documents that relate to real estate in Centre County and act as an agent for Real Estate Transfer Tax. A. 00 (per parcel/per document) and is NOT included in the above fee. By using this service, in any form, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County and anyone involved in storing, retrieving, or displaying this information for any damage of any type that may be caused. Scranton, PA 18503. Our website contains all deeds and miscellaneous documents from 1785 to the present, and mortgages from 1979 to the present. Lackawanna County 200 N. CategoriesLive Employment & Sport in Lackawanna County; Community. If we must print a paper copy of a receipt there will be a $0. These include deeds, mortgages, subdivision plans, rights-of-way and. 430 Court St, New Castle, Pennsylvania 16101 . Property records are updated weekly. Courts in Lackawanna County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. April 9, 2023 at 8:07 PM · 1 min read. 7 miles) Beaver County Recorder of Deeds (Beaver, PA - 21. First Posted: 6/10/2009 Residents, attorneys, title searches and others now have two online options to view documents filed at the Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds Office, according to recorder. Lancaster, PA 17608-1478. There is no fee to search. Copies are $. ProductsSearch Deeds - Eagle Recorder; Search Genealogy Records; How Do I. Jul 25 2023. It is our pleasure to have the opportunity to serve. About gift deed to lackawanna recorder of deeds office where public property tax records, and contact details. Tourist Information & Attractions Government Offices Places Of Interest. Website. The Recorder of Deeds' Office records all real estate related documents along with notary public commissions and various elected official commissions. Apr. The Clerk of Judicial Records is the custodian of the documents for the Lackawanna County Court of Common Pleas. 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Monday - Friday. MontrossRegister & Recorder Welcome to the Wyoming County Register of WillsandRecorder of Deeds ONLINE SEARCH DATABASES For Online Support: Please use Live Chat or email [email protected]. 0 miles) Venango County Recorder of Deeds (Franklin, PA - 38. Website (570) 963-6775. Search Deeds - Eagle Recorder; Search Genealogy Records; How Do I. 75 for the first four pages, four names, and 1 parcel of property. Elected Office. Scranston Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the system will provide an interface. LACKAWANNA COUNTY – Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds Evie Rafalko McNulty has been re-appointed by Governor Tom Wolf to the. M. 8238 ~ Fax: 717. Unity States. Jul 23 2023. The following records may be housed at: Records that can be found at the Register of Wills/Clerk of. Apply for Grants; Apply for a Dog License; Apply for a Marriage License; Do Business with Lackawanna County; Find a Job; Hold an event on Courthouse Square; Learn about Tax Sales; Register to Vote; Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse; Request a Proclamation or. Colleges and Universities; Municipalities; School Zones; Lackawanna County Our System; Penn State Expand; Scranton Chamber of Commerce; Government. Website (570) 963-6775. Some current records are on master site Recorder of Deeds. Website (570) 963-6775. From FamilySearch Wiki. Lackawanna Recorder of Deeds. Lackawanna County Collection System. Suite 100. The office of the Register and Recorder in Bradford County is the official recorder of deeds, mortgages, power of attorneys, satisfaction pieces, oil leases, ordinances, assignments and releases of mortgages. Find Lackawanna County residential property records by address, including property owners, sales & transfer. ALL CDC GUIDELINES WILL BE FOLLOWEDLackawanna Public Inquiries. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Lackawanna County Recorder Of Deeds locations in Beach Lake, PA. Lackawanna County IQS – Online Records. 135 Jefferson Ave Ste 101. Records Access. These records can include Lackawanna County property tax assessments and assessment challenges, appraisals,. To allow full access to deeds recorded throughout the years. Conduct to Lackawanna State, Pennsylvania genealogy, genealogy both family history, birth accounts, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records. S. Luzerne County Recorder-Deeds. A. Recorder of Deeds. Chief Deputy, Tammy Stahlnecker. Drop Down Fare. School Districts. Lackawanna County Recorder Of Deeds 123 Wyoming Avenue, Suite 218 Scranton, PA 18503. Dennis L. Register of Wills / Clerk of Orphans Court Lackawanna County Government Center 123 Wyoming Avenue, 5th Floor Scranton, PA 18503 Document Center. Lackawanna County Government Center 123 Wyoming Avenue, 2nd Floor, Scranton, PA 18503. Lackawanna Recorder of Deeds (570) 963-6775. That’s why the Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds office is tackling property fraud head-on. Apply for Grants; Apply for a Dog License; Apply for a Marriage License; Do Business with Lackawanna County; Find a Job; Hold an event on Courthouse Square; Learn about Tax Sales; Register to Vote; Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse; Request a Proclamation or. Physical Address. 10a Area Agency on Aging-Fridays in the Park. This office also records the commission and oaths of County officials, district justices and notaries public as well as maintaining copies of military discharges and numerous miscellaneous documents. Evie Rafalko McNulty. com with any problems that you experience while using this website. Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania Genealogy. Recorder of Deeds is the government office tasked with maintaining public records and documents, especially records relating to real estate ownership that provide persons. government and private companies. Apply for Grants; Apply for a Dog Lizenzen; Apply for a Marrying License; Do Business with Lackawanna County; Found adenine Job; Hold an event on Courthouse Square; Learn about Tax Trade; Register until Vote; Report Cheat, Waste, with Abuse; Request a. Lackawanna County employees from the Recorder of Deeds office who participated in C. United States. Maps are updated daily. Apply for Grants; Apply for a Dog License; Apply for a Marriage License; Do Business with Lackawanna County; Find a Job; Hold any event on Tribunal Square; Learn about Tax Sales; Register to Vote; Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse; Request a Announcement other Download;. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Website (570) 963-6726. Go to Data Online. 135 Jefferson Ave Ste 101. Drop Down Menu. Uniontown, PA 15401. Historic Aerials. At the agency responsible for a range of deeds isLackawanna Recorder of Deeds. Search Deeds - Eagle Recorder; Search Genealogy Records; How Do I. Do not call the county offices. Scranton Chambered of Commerce. YEARSContact US: Sullivan County Prothonotary. Lackawanna Public Inquiries. 10a Board of Commissioners Meeting. Please notice that all Marriage License forms are now available on line for you convenience. New Recordings are accepted from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the front counter. O. OPEN NOW. Search Deeds - Eagle Recorder; Search Genealogy Records; How Do I. Office of Recorder of Deeds. Industrial real property and the recorder deeds in lackawanna county recorded land records through a variety. Williamsport, PA 17701-6536. Lackawanna Recorder of Deeds. Website (570) 963-6775. LACKAWANNA COUNTY – Lackawanna Districts. Office now that the a filing office. Pennsylvania State Extension. Lackawanna Land Records Search (New York) Perform a free Lackawanna, NY public land records search, including land deeds, registries, values, ownership, liens, titles, and landroll. Lackawanna County Magisterial. Help Wanted. Search Forms. Scranton, PA 18503. Drop Down Menu. These Statements are the responsibility of the county office's management. Scranton, PA 18503. Recorder of Deeds Office 507 Linden St. Claim this business. Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds Re-appointed by Governor Wolf to County Records CommitteeSearch Deeds - Eagle Recorder; Search Genealogy Records; How Do I. From FamilySearch Wiki. 1 . Centre County Recorder of Deeds. County & Parish Government Justices Of The Peace Justice Courts. One way is through online forms and services. A Variance From The Local Health Authority Is Required When. com is dedicated to putting America online parcel by parcel. Update listing details for Lackawanna Recorder of Deeds - Scranton, PA 18503 Update Lackawanna Recorder of Deeds - Scranton, PA 18503 | UpdateListing. We work with governments, developers, neighborhood groups, and passionate individuals to gather and present information about property in clear, actionable ways. Hours of Operations: Recording Documents - 9 am to 3 pm. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In no event will Lackawanna County be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, consequential, incidental, special, or claim for attorney fees, arising out of the use of or inability to use the information provided herewith. 8 miles) Sullivan County Prothonotary (Laporte, PA - 34. Access Right to Know page. Seigler, Recorder of Deeds Email: [email protected]. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If neither office has it see the information below. however no papers will be accepted for recording after 4 p. Day 2022. Lackawanna Recorder of Deeds. CategoriesAccess public records in Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode IslandLackawanna Recorder of Deeds. Mcnulty says it’s never been easier to track future properties in your name. Where to get certified death certificates in Lackawanna County, PA. To Lackawanna County Assessment Database Search. We also assist the public in finding information, and we provide services within the office to inform and assist lending. 135 JEFFERSON AVE STE 101 Scranton, Pennsylvania, 18503 . Box 68, Mifflintown, PA 17059. org. System Wide Messages A reminder to all users. Name Mifflin County Recorder of Deeds Address 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, Pennsylvania, 17044 Phone 717-242-1449 Fax 717-248-2503Scranton, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania US Postal Service Delivery Attn: Real Estate Recording Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds Scranton Electric Building, Suite 800 507 Linden Street Scranton, PA 18503 Courier Delivery Attn: Real Estate Recording Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds Scranton Electric Building, Suite 800 507. 75 for the first 4 pages, 4 names and 1 parcel of property. This website is intended to benefit the. e. Scranton Shakespeare Festival: Rent. Please email [email protected]. Tourist Information & Attractions Places Of Interest Government Offices. The Archives is located at: 548 Spring Garden Street. com. Application for Genealogy Search: Wills/Estates. 135 Jefferson Avenue. Drop toward navigation Jump to search. 2. Our records show it was established in Pennsylvania. Scranton, PA 18503. 2. 10a Art in the Park. Susquehanna County Recorder of Deeds Contact Information. Apply for Grants; Apply for a Dog License; Apply for a Marriage License; Do Business with Lackawanna County; Find a Job; Hold an event on Courthouse Square; Learn about Tax Sales; Register to Vote; Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse; Request a Proclamation or. The public can access Register of Wills and most Clerk of Orphans’ Court Records filed from 2004 to present and obtain copies for general use or certified copies to meet specific needs at the public terminals in the office Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM or through two websites: Landex Remote. Lackawanna County Public Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your life then you have come to the right place. In no event will Lackawanna County be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, consequential, incidental, special, or claim for attorney fees, arising out of the use of or inability to use the information provided herewith.